Putting it simply, in JetDeploy world an app is a web-app that you can deploy and spin-up to serve your clients. An app has an execution-context which contains
app domain - like e.g.
your-app.{{ settings.DOMAIN_APP }}
environment variables - they are accessible in your code
running logs - common runtime logs, depending on your app or DBMS
black box operations - a list of the operation that are been performed on that app (e.g. boot up, destroy, etc.). The post-mortem logs of the operations are always available to read.
Please note an app is a stateless container, that is, it can’t hold anything, it’s a mere code executor. If you need to persist data (and clearly you do) please attach to it a Database
Environment Variables
JetDeploy supports declaring environment variables and lets you store data such as configuration settings, encryption keys, etc in such environment variables.
A nice form makes them easy to define, share and update for your services. At runtime, environment variables are exposed to the application inside the app context.
For example if you insert a row in the environment form like that: SOME_KEY -> SOME_VALUE then in your code you will get SOME_VALUE with something like: os.getenv('SOME_KEY')
Platforms supported
Environment Variables
Platforms supported
You can freely deploy and spin-up your web app in one of the following platforms:
Node.js support
Ruby support
Python support ( both 2.x & 3.x runtimes )
PHP support
Go support
A database is, in JetDeploy world specific definition, an entity that simply represents a DBMS SQL/noSQL service that could be attached to an app.
Creating a new database is simple as choice one of the available DBMS.
Databases supported:
When attached to an app, your code can access to the database service and data through the typicals user:password@host:port
parameters that you’ll find in you database detail page.
Please note you can easily connect to DB also from outside. To do it, simply “expose” the service from the database detail page.
This is not supported for Memcached